Monday, May 21, 2012

Cherry Jam

The Nanking Bush Pie Cherries produced their first crop this year.  It took several days for all the fruit to ripen.  From the three trees, I collected 2-1/4 pounds of bright red cherries.  The picking was quick.  The pitting was not.  It took nearly two hours (with breaks!) to remove the pits.

For my efforts, I had 3 cups of fruit and juice ... enough for one recipe of something delicious.  What would it be?  Cobbler?  Pie?  Turn-overs?

I considered the options, then decided to make jam.  It seemed the very best way to prolong the enjoyment of the cherries. The only problem ... the cherry jam recipe calls for 4 cups of prepared fruit.  Luckily, my father-in-law has some of these very same cherry bushes.  Andrew offered to pick another 3/4 pounds of cherries while he was doing yard work over there in the afternoon.  He did indeed bring me more cherries, and I spent another 30 - 45 minutes after supper removing pits.  Then I collected my jam making equipment, put the water on to boil, and began the process of cooking jam.  

Cherry Jam
4 cups prepared fruit
4-3/4 cups sugar
1 package commercial pectin
Yield:  6 half-pint jars of jam

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